Plagron Bio Supermix
Supermix is a unique and complete natural fertiliser.
Balanced and, among other things, contains minerals, trace elements, worm castings and seabird guano for the ideal growth of the plant.
Supermix gives rich soil life and improves the health of the plants.
Optimal ratio of a range of fertilisers, improves soil life and enhances resistance.
This product is suitable for organic farming.
Can you combine Supermix with Mega Worm and Bat Guano?
Yes, you can use Mega Worm to improve soil life. You can mix it with Supermix to improve the growth of the plant.
We advise using Calcium Kick to change the pH level and Bat Guano to bring enough food into your soil.
Supermix’s time released feed makes it easy to use.
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