Oxypots v9 Vegging System
A great step into Deep Water Culture. The 9 plant Oxypot system gets great results in a small space and use very little media. Just a handful of clay pebbles.
Placed in a mesh pot with pebbles, the plants roots hang down into the grow tank. It has an air pump that always oxygenates the nutrient mix.
The plants can then by transplanted to a larger hydro system in a larger room, or use very little vegging time and have a quick turnaround of 9 smaller plants.
Size : L x W x H cm : 83 x 83 x 37
Tank: 110 Litres
Suitable for: 9 plants
How Oxypot system works :
The Oxypot keeps plants fed and root zones incredibly well aerated without a timer.
The mesh pots hang down into their misting chamber and an air pump constantly oxygenates the solution.
The roots have constant access to nutrient solution and oxygen which leads to really fast root growth.
It’s impossible to saturate plants in an Oxypot because the roots simply take up what they need.
As long as you keep the Oxypot misting chamber topped up it’s impossible to underwater.
The Oxypot v9 holds 110 Litres of nutrient solution.
Each plant only needs 1 litre of clay pebbles so you don’t have to handle huge bags of media.
The Oxypot v9 have reversible lids for lower plant suspension during the veg stage.
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