productlogo-terra_content_1 Canna Terra  CANNA TERRA is a line of nutrients and substrates which are specially developed for growing plants in peat based potting mixes. CANNA TERRA can be used for cultivating in both pots & open potting mixes, indoor & outdoor.

CANNA TERRA nutrients have been developed to give excellent results with every type of potting mix. To make the most of the CANNA TERRA Vega and Flores nutrients, CANNA has a special range of potting mixes: CANNA Terra Professional Plus and CANNA Terra Seed Mix.


CANNA Terra Complete professional nutrient for the Growing and Flowering phase of plants… 

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Terra Vega

Terra Vega ensures a strong plant with large vital shoots and luxuriant root development. This is important for healthy, powerful growth and a high yield.


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Terra Flores

CANNA Terra Flores stimulates the fructification and provides every plant with its characteristic flavour. It can be used for both indoor and outdoor cultivation.


CANNA Terra Seed Mix And CANNA Terra Professional Plus is the purest potting mix possible for plant cultivation, and perfectly suited for germinating the seeds of your favourite plants…

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Terra Seed Mix

CANNA Terra Seed Mix is great for retaining water, gives the seeds the best chance of germinating correctly. CANNA Terra Seed Mix is suitable for use when rooting cuttings


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Terra Professional Plus

CANNA Terra Professional Plus is the purest potting mix possible for plant cultivation. It also gives the best effects with CANNA TERRA nutrients.